A song from The Beatles’ Magical Mystery Tour was inspired by a mishap from the band’s press officer. George Harrison received all credit for the song even though Paul McCartney helped create it. Paul revealed what he thought about the tune’s appearance in a famous film.
The Beatles‘ Magical Mystery Tour contains one of their most unusual songs. Sadly, the tune in question causes street signs in Los Angeles to get stolen. In addition, it’s the only song from a famous Beatles album that George Harrison wrote by himself.
According to a 2014 article from Iowa State University’s Institute for Transportation, signs are often stolen if they are perceived as containing a reference to something famous. For example, the signs for Abbey Road were stolen regularly. To deal with this problem, the city of London has Abbey Road signs painted onto curbsides or placed so high that nobody can reach them without a ladder.
Street signs for LA’s Blue Jay Way have also been repeatedly stolen, as the song is the inspiration for The Beatles’ track of the same title. While the song isn’t one of The Beatles’ most well-known pieces, it’s one of their most psychedelic. It also played during a surreal sequence from the film Magical Mystery Tour.
Source: Matthew Trzcinski/cheatsheet.com