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1966, November

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 30, 1966 - 0 Comments

Strawberry Fields Forever

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 29, 1966 - 0 Comments

Studio Two, EMI Studios, London

Recording, mixing: Strawberry Fields Forever

The Beatles recorded two more takes of Strawberry Fields Forever, numbered 5 and 6, during this 2.30-8pm session.

The group began with lengthy rehearsals and discussions, before recording take 5. The performance was a f...

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 28, 1966 - 0 Comments

Studio Two, EMI Studios, London

Recording, mixing: Strawberry Fields Forever

The Beatles recorded three more takes of Strawberry Fields Forever during this 7pm-1.30am session.

They chose to arrange the song differently from the first session for the song, and lowered the key from C to A major. T...
The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 27, 1966 - 0 Comments

Broadwick Street, London

Lennon played the role of Dan, a doorman at the fictional nightclub Ad Lav. The name was a spoof on the Ad Lib Club, a venue often frequented by The Beatles and oth...

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 26, 1966 - 0 Comments

Strawberry Fields Forever was one of The Beatles' most complicated recordings. With George Martin they spent some time working on the arrangement, going through various re-makes and spending an unprecedented 55 hours of studio time completing the song.

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 25, 1966 - 0 Comments

Recording: Pantomime: Everywhere It’s Christmas

The Beatles' fourth Christmas record, Pantomime: Everywhere It's Christmas, was recorded on this day at the first floor demo studio owned by their publisher, Dick James.

Each member of The Beatles sang on the recording, with Paul McCartney also play...

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 24, 1966 - 0 Comments

Studio Two, EMI Studios, London

And so the beatles entered the new phase of their career! No longer the tidy, smiling "Fab Four", singing boy/girl pop songs on stage. Now they were the casually dressed, sometimes mustacioed, not always smiling Beatles who would make the greatest ever batch of rock ...

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 23, 1966 - 0 Comments

Leonard Bernstein analyzes the Beatles in a Young People's Concert

Leonard Bernstein, who took an ongoing interest in the Beatles, analyzes the harmonic structure of "Norwegian Wood" in the televised Young People's Concert, "What is a Mode?"

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 22, 1966 - 0 Comments

The Beatles are getting ready to record a very famous tune. Can anyone guess?

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 21, 1966 - 0 Comments

Nothing to mention on this day 50 years ago.

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 20, 1966 - 0 Comments

Brian Epstein holds a party for The Four Tops in London

The Four Tops had performed at the Savile Theatre in London on 13 November 1966. The venue was owned by The Beatles' manager Brian Epstein, and the backdrop for the performance was said to have been designed by Paul McCartney.

Seven days lat...

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 19, 1966 - 0 Comments

Paul McCartney has the idea for Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

Paul McCartney had flown to France on November 6, 1966 and met Mal Evans in Bordeaux on November 12 before flying to Kenya for a safari holiday.

In Kenya they were joined by McCartney's girlfriend Jane Asher, and the three of th...

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 18, 1966 - 0 Comments

Yoko Ono


The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 17, 1966 - 0 Comments

Nothing newsworthy today. What do you think the Beatles were doing?

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 16, 1966 - 0 Comments

Nothing much happened to make the news this day 50 years ago.

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 15, 1966 - 0 Comments

Moustaches were catching like the flu- not only do the Fab Four grow them, Beatles assistants Mal Evans and Neil Aspinall grow 'em to.

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 14, 1966 - 0 Comments

The Beatles each doing their own thing today.

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 13, 1966 - 0 Comments

Nothing notable happened on this day 50 years ago.

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 12, 1966 - 0 Comments

Paul McCartney meets Mal Evans in Bordeaux, France

One week after beginning his road trip across France, Paul McCartney had a rendezvous with The Beatles' roadie Mal Evans in Bordeaux.

Prior to meeting Evans, McCartney spent the night in a Bordeaux club. Wearing the moustache and glasses disguise he had prepared to allow him to travel incognito, the club staff wouldn't let him in.

I looked like old jerko. 'No, no, monsieur, non' - you schmuck, we can't let you in! So I thought, Sod this, I might as well go back to the hotel and come as him! So I came back as a normal Beatle, and was welcomed in with open arms. I thought, Well, it doesn't matter if I've blown my cover because I'm going to meet Mal anyway, I don't have to keep the disguise any longer. Actually, by the time of the club I'd sort of had enough of it. Which was good. It was kind of therapeutic but I'd had enough. It was nice because I remembered what it was like to not be famous and it wasn't necessarily any better than being famous.

It made me remember why we all wanted to get famous; to get that thing. Of course, those of us in the Beatles have often thought that, because we wished for this great fame, and then it comes true but it brings with it all these great business pressures or the problems of fame, the problems of money, et cetera. And I just had to check whether I wanted to go back, and I ended up thinking, No, all in all, I'm quite happy with this lot.

Paul McCartney

McCartney met Evans at the Saint-Eloi catholic church, on Rue Saint-James in Bordeaux.

We met up, exactly as planned, under the church clock. He was there. I figured I'd had enough of my own company by then. I had enjoyed it, it had been a nice thing. Then we drove down into Spain but we got to Madrid and we didn't know anyone; the only way would have been to go to a club and start making contacts. So we thought, This is not going to be any fun, and rang the office in London, and booked ourselves a safari trip.
Paul McCartney

The pair drove from Bordeaux to Spain, making films on their journey. They had hoped to meet John Lennon in Almería, but filming for How I Won The War had ended and he had returned to England.

Instead they decided on a safari holiday and flew to Kenya. McCartney arranged to meet his girlfriend Jane Asher there, and in Seville had someone drive his Aston Martin DB5 back to London.

McCartney and Evans flew from Seville to Madrid, and from there to Nairobi. They had a 10-hour stopover in Rome, during which they did some sightseeing.

Upon their arrival in Kenya they toured Ambosali Park, overlooked by Mount Kilimanjaro, and stayed at the Treetop Hotel, the royal family's Kenyan base. The holiday came to a close on 19 November, when McCartney, Asher and Evans flew from Nairobi back to London.

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 11, 1966 - 0 Comments

The Beatles each busy on their own.

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 10, 1966 - 0 Comments

Mixing, editing: This Boy, Day Tripper, We Can Work It Out

Room 65, EMI Studios, Abbey Road
Engineer: Peter Bown

This was the last of four mixing sessions to prepare stereo versions of Beatles songs ahead of the UK compilation album A Collection Of Beatles Oldies on December 9, 1966.

Once again G...

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 9, 1966 - 0 Comments

The ‘Paul is dead’ myth

 The 'Paul Is Dead' myth began in 1969, and alleged that Paul McCartney. The Beatles are said to have covered up the death, despite inserting a series of clues into their songs and artwork. The story goes that at 5am on Wednesday - 9 November 1966, McCartney stormed out of a...

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 8, 1966 - 0 Comments

Mixing: She Loves You

Room 53, EMI Studios, Abbey Road
Engineer: Geoff

George Martin was not present for this third stereo mixing session for the UK compilation A Collection Of Beatles Oldies compilation, which was released on December 9, 1966, so balance engineer Geoff Emerick oversaw the work.

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 7, 1966 - 0 Comments

John Lennon meets Yoko Ono

On the day before her exhibition Unfinished Paintings And Objects was to open, Japanese artist Yoko Ono was introduced to John Lennon for the first time.

John Lennon - That old gang of mine. That's all over. When I met Yoko is when you meet your first woman and you leave...

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 6, 1966 - 0 Comments

John Lennon returns to England from Spain

Having completed his work on the Richard Lester film How I Won The War, John Lennon returned to London on this day.

He had begun filming in West Germany, before flying to southern Spain to complete his scenes. Lennon played the role of Private Gripweed in...

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 5, 1966 - 0 Comments

Paul McCartney flies to France

On this day Paul McCartney flew to France on a plane-ferry from Lydd airport in Kent, England.

The intention was to take a driving holiday. In order to escape the attention of The Beatles' fans, McCartney wore a disguise, although his brand new dark green Aston Mart...

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 4, 1966 - 0 Comments

NEMS leaves 13 Monmouth Street, London

Brian Epstein's NEMS company had moved from Liverpool to London in 1963, establishing an office at 13 Monmouth Street in the centre of the capital.

In 1964 the company leased more offices at 5-6 Argyll Street, and gradually moved the operation to the new pre...

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 3, 1966 - 0 Comments

The November 1966 issue of The Beatles Book Monthly featured an exclusive interview with Paul McCartney. Topics of conversation include the differences between their British and American albums, negotiations with Capitol Records, touring, songwriting, and the Revolver album.

First published in 1963...

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 2, 1966 - 0 Comments

John, Paul, George & Ringo figuring out what's next

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: November 1, 1966 - 0 Comments
