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1966, August

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: August 5, 1966 - 0 Comments

August 5, 1966: The Beatles Get Psychedelic With 'Revolver'

“Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream.”

The sixties were about to get an injection of psychedelia with The Beatles’ Revolver. These lyrics from “Tomorrow Never Knows” are the perfect primer for an album that changed the course ...

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: August 4, 1966 - 0 Comments

Getting ready for the US Tour.

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: August 3, 1966 - 0 Comments

Getting ready for the tour

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: August 2, 1966 - 0 Comments

The station manager of WAQY-AM radio in Birmingham, Alabama became the first to urge listeners to boycott record stores and bookstores that sold music and memorabilia of The Beatles, starting an American backlash against the British rock group that was preparing to make a tour of the United States. ...

The Beatles - A Day in The Life: August 1, 1966 - 0 Comments

Studio B15, Broadcasting House, London

Just as Paul had once agreed to a solo appearance on a David Frost TV Show. (A Degree of Frost), so he now agreed to participate with him, and without the other Beatles, in a BBC Light Program radio show, David Frost at the Phonograph, a series in which Frost ...
