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Rare Beatles records to go under the hammer

10 August, 2013 - 0 Comments

A rare collection of Beatles records on sale in Newcastle this week is expected to reach over $1,000 at auction as part of the University of Newcastle Book Fair. The collection is one of the showcase items of the week-long fair, which is expected to draw crowds of up to 10,000 people.

Friends of the University, president Vic Levi says the event is expected to raise more than $80,000. "We think it's probably as good as, if not better than, the last one we held which was two years ago," he said. "So we're very confident that we'll get right up there in the proceeds and we're looking forward to that." Two rare volumes of poetry by Robert Burns will also go on sale today at the book fair. The books by Mr Burns were given to a Scottish immigrant bound for Newcastle in the nineteenth century.

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Source: ABC News AU

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