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Rediscovering Paul McCartney's photos of The Beatles' 1964 invasion

18 June, 2023 - 0 Comments

Paul McCartney used his Pentax camera the same way he used his guitar: with total freedom. And in early 1964, the 21-year-old took his new camera on perhaps the most momentous musical journey of the 20th century: The Beatles' invasion of America.

On The Beatles' first visit to the United States, Paul McCartney brought his Pentax camera. The pictures he took, long though lost, were recently found, and are the basis of a new book and photo exhibition.  Paul McCartney

Hundreds of photographs from that trip were recently rediscovered in McCartney's archive: "It was really nice," he said, "because I thought they were lost."

The images, collected in the new book, "1964: Eyes of the Storm," will be on view later this month at the National Portrait Gallery in London.

He offered a tour of the exhibit to correspondent Anthony Mason.

McCartney explained his process: "Taking photographs, I'd be just looking for a shot. And so, I'd aim the camera and just sort of see where I liked it, you know, oh, that's it.  And invariably, you pretty much take one picture.

Source: Anthony Mason/


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