71-year-old Paul McCartney comes off effortlessly contemporary as well as hummably Beatle-esque when it suits him in this well-crafted new album. Great, just what the world needs: more enthusiasm for something Beatles-related.
It's a little tiresome, after all, this relentless fawning. Seems like every fiscal quarter something else pops up: an anniversary, reissue, Cirque du Soleil production, documentary, or surprising new solo album. Can't we give it a rest and focus on, say, the Kinks, James Brown or Pulp for a while? Not while a Beatle's still making records as consistent and well-crafted as "New." With peaks as high as any music he's done this century and nary a valley as low as "Silly Love Songs," "Let 'Em In," "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" or his oft-treacly last record of standards, "Kisses on the Bottom," Paul McCartney's latest studio album is pretty damned good — damn it.
Source: Los Angeles Times Music