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Ringo Starr Said John Lennon 'Went Mad' During The Beatles' Concert at Shea Stadium

18 January, 2024 - 0 Comments

John Lennon began putting on a comical show during a Beatles concert. Ringo Starr thought he had gone 'mad.'

In 1965, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr played a show at New York’s Shea Stadium. The concert was The Beatles’ largest to date and, understandably, jangled their nerves. While they said they always felt better once they got onstage, Starr noticed some surprising behavior in Lennon. He believed Lennon went “mad” during the show.

The Beatles’ concert at Shea Stadium had over 55,000 attendees, making it their largest concert up to that point. They found it overwhelming and, according to Starr, the pressure got to at least one of them.

“If you look at the film footage you can see how we reacted to the place,” Starr said in The Beatles Anthology. “It was very big and very strange. I feel that on that show John cracked up. He went mad; not mentally ill, but he just got crazy. He was playing the piano with his elbows and it was really strange.”

According to Lennon, he was doing a Jerry Lee Lewis impression and using his feet to play the piano.

“I was putting my foot on it and George couldn’t play for laughing,” he said. “I was doing it for a laugh. The kids didn’t know what I was doing. Because I did the organ on ‘I’m Down,’ I decided to play it on stage for the first time. I didn’t really know what to do, because I felt naked without a guitar, so I was doing all Jerry Lee — I was jumping about and I only played about two bars of it.

Source: Emma McKee/


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