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The Beatles - A Day in The Life : Friday, November 8, 1963


Studio 8, Broadcasting House, Ormeau Ave. Belfast and Ritz Cinema, Fisherwick Place, Belfast

En route from Dublin to Belfast, near to the Irish border, the Beatles stopped at a pre-arranged spot to be interviewed for Ulster Television (the ITV franchise for Northern Ireland) by reporter Jimmy Robninson. The item was included in this evening's edition of Ulster News, 6:25 to 6:35.

Then, on their 2:00 pm arrival in Belfast, the Beatles went to the BBC's local television studios, at Broadcasting House, where they taped an interview with Sally Ogle for the corporation's rival to Ulster News, the magazine program "Six Ten", broadcast, hardly surprisingly, at 6:10, until 6:31. The interview was taped at 3:00 pm. The Beatles had also been contracted to sing (mime) one song but this they did not do.

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