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The Beatles - A Day in The Life : March 18, 1964 (Wednesday)


Twickenham Film Studios, St. Margaret's, Twickenham

Shooting of "dressing room" sequences for the film. Wile waiting around on the set at Twickenham, the Beatles recorded a number of items for broadcast in the BBC Light Programme radio series The Public Ear on Sunday, March 22 (3:00 to 4:00 pm) and also transmitted simultaneously by the BFBS - British Forces Broadcasting Service, in West Germany. In keeping with the sophisticated nature of the series, they interviewed temselves, rather than be interviewed by a BBC man, so humor was at a premium.

Listeners on the 22nd heard a novel opening to the programme, a reader had written into The Public Ear asking that advance warning be given if ever the Beatles should be set to apear, so that fans could contact other fans and ensure that as many as possible were tuned in. This letter was read out, following which Ringo announced, "We're on today, later on, so don't forget, get on the phone and get all your friends listening!"

When "later on" arrived, George assumed the role of BBC interviewer, adopting a plum accent and discussing John's book "In his own words" first with Ringo and then with the author, who proceeded to read an excerpt, "Alec Speaking". George then chatted about the making of A Hard Day's Night with Paul and, to round off the show, joined part-way credits, ascribing themselves joint producer credits along with the real incumbent, John Fawcett Wilson.

Extracts from the broradcast, together with extracts from the Beatles' first appearance on The Public Ear, and interview given by Brian Epstein to Bill Grundy, an interview given by George Martin to Edward Greenfield, various discs and a linking script written and read by William Mann (music critic on the The Times) comprised an interesting 30 minute programme, The Beatles, Who are they?, broadcast globally by the BBC's General Overseas Service.

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