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The Beatles - A Day in The Life: September 30, 1964 (Wednesday)


Studio Two, EMI Studios, London

Working between 2:30 and 5:30 pm, the Beatles completed the recording of "Every Little Thing", taping five more takes to take it through to nine in all. Then, resuming at 6:30, they continued with "What You're Doing", recording takes 8 to 11. (Although the 11th takes was marked "best" this was only temporary for the Beatles recorded a re-make on October 26th.)

Before the 10:30 end of session, the ever-productive group also set about, and completed, the recording of "No Reply", done in a swift eight takes, returning to the song John had first aired in the studio in demo form on June 3rd.

Mark Lewisohn, The Complete Beatles Chronicle

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