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The Beatles - A Day in The Life : Wednesday, November 20, 1963


ABC Cinema, Stockport Rd. Ardwick Green, Ardwick, Manchester, Lancashire

Trading their exclusive permission for a share of the proceeds, the Beatles permitted Pathe News to film two songs from their first "House" this evening. "She Loves You", and "Twist And Shout". (A disc recording of "From Me To You" played under other footage.)

Together with backstage sequences, scenes of the hysterical audience and typically pun-filled commentary, this combined to make an eight minute "Techniscope" color newsreel, "The Beatles Come To Town", distributed around selected British cinemas for a week from December 22nd. Two years later, Pathe incorporated the footage into a 70-minute feature film titled Pop Gear, released to British cinemas on April 18, 1965. Memorably, the US title of the release was Go Go Mania.

Granada TV also had a crew shooting backstage at the ABC Ardwick, covering much the same sequences as Pathe and also conducting an exclusive interview in which the Beatles talked of their first US visit set for the following February. These items were first transmitted in the Monday - January 6th 1964 edition of "Scene At 6:30". (6:30-7:00 pm).

BBC radio also was backstage at the Ardwick, a two minute interview with the Beatles by Michael Barton was broadcast this evening, November 20th, in the North Home Service program, "Voice of the North", 6:10-6:30 pm. Additionally, Barton taped a brief interview with George alone for Wacker, Mach Schau, a program about the relationship between the Liverpool and Hamburg rock scenes, broadcast on the North Home Service on November 27th, 8:00 to 8:30 pm.

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