London – As the Meat Free Monday campaign celebrates its fifth year, the campaign, headed by Paul, Mary and Stella McCartney, looks forward to reaching new audiences.
Meat Free Monday has had an incredible response so far. Some of the world’s leading authorities on climate change have endorsed meat reduction as an effective way of fightingglobal warming, including former US Vice President Al Gore, Chair of the IPCC Dr Rajendra Pachauri, Lord Nicholas Stern and former UK Government Chief Scientific Advisor Sir David King. And a host of celebrities and high profile chefs support the campaign, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Leona Lewis, Kevin Spacey, Jamie Oliver, Joanna Lumley and Sir Richard Branson. According to the Center for a Livable Future at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, “animal agriculture generates a significant amount of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change, and the increased frequency and severity of flooding, droughts, and other weather events expected to follow”. The United Nations Food and AgricultureOrganization (FAO) estimates that global meat production accounts for nearly 15 percent of all greenhouse emissions, while other scientists suggest the figure may be much higher.
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Source: Paul