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Tony Palmer: he's with the band

31 July, 2013 - 0 Comments

Tony Palmer was studying moral sciences at Cambridge University in the 1960s when a moderately famous band arrived in town. "I got a call to attend this press conference the Beatles were holding, to cover it for the college paper," he recalls. "They'd had a No 1 single or two by then, so they were very well known – but not yet intergalactic. Afterwards, John Lennon came up and asked me why I hadn't asked them any questions. I told him I found the whole thing pretty silly.

He laughed, and when I told him I was studying moral sciences, he thought me pretty silly, too. He wanted someone to show him around the university – I realised much later that he was very interested in education. So we meet up later and he's in disguise – a dreadful one, with a large fedora hat, long brown raincoat and fake beard.

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Source: The Guardian

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