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Unpublished snaps of John Lennon relaxing at Ibiza holiday home auctioned

07 December, 2013 - 0 Comments

Unpublished photographs of John Lennon relaxing at his holiday home in Ibiza are going up for auction today. The two candid shots of the late Beatles star will be sold off to raise funds for an art student's final degree show.

Ed Robinson, a fine art student at Newcastle University, was given the photos to auction off by his mum. She was given the snaps by her brother, Ed's uncle, who had was handed three of them as a present by a friend of his called Dale Utterson. Dale’s dad Terry ran a chain of music shops with wife Joan and through his contacts arranged for his son to have a holiday in Ibiza where he tagged along with a group of photographers to a shoot. Ed said: “He went on a trip to Ibiza where John Lennon had a villa and they found out he was up for posing for the photographers. “My uncle’s friend wasn’t a professional photographer but he went along with them and he was also allowed to take a few snaps. It wasn’t a massive deal. “John Lennon was painting at the time which is a nice little link to the art auction.”

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Source: Liverpool Echo

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