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What the Beatles' Abbey Road Crosswalk Looks Like Today

04 July, 2013 - 0 Comments

Chris Purcell's lyrical short film, Why Don’t We Do It in the Road? explores a regular old crosswalk in the St. John’s Wood district of London — the place where the Beatles took a few short steps into pop culture history. Yes, it’s that crosswalk — the one where the fab four are captured for all time on the cover of the Beatles’ famous album.

The image was the result of a quick 10-minute photo session back in the summer of 1969, turning a pedestrian area into a full-fledged tourist attraction. Today, you can even monitor the crossing via live streaming webcam. And, perhaps it’s that accessibility — that averageness — that makes the location so appealing. Out in the open, not caged behind the walls of some locked-down photo studio, the most famous band in history took a short stroll. And, if you’re so inclined, you too can walk in their footsteps, literally.

Read more on this story....

Source: The Atlantic

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