Yoko Ono has penned an open letter to Elbow after they name-checked her in their new song ‘New York Morning’. The Elbow lyric goes “Oh, my giddy aunt, New York can talk / It’s the modern Rome and folk are nice to Yoko”. The line has motivated Yoko to ponder about the relationship she and the late John Lennon has and had with NYC.
In a posting on her website she writes: “Dear Guy, Craig, Mark, Pete and Richard, Yes. New York has been kind to me as your song says. Thank you. For John, he always wanted to come and live in this city, ever since he saw Bob Dylan on the famous album cover ['The Freewheelin Bob Dylan']. And I played the catalyst to make his dream come true”. She added: “But in sleepless nights, I am still living in the memory of my sweet husband, who was virtually kicked out of his own country that he loved so dearly and learned to live in this bleak port city just so his woman and he could live in peace. Two sides of the coin. Life is. Have a great time in New York. We loved it. Love, Yoko”.
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Source: : Complete Music Update